Dry Kilns

Heated Storage

In 1996 Fitzpatrick & Weller built a new Dry Storage building. Lumber storage capacity is over 2 million board feet

  • This is the process of taking moisture out of boards thus effecting stability.
  • Drying over 950 mbf per month.
  • 2 predriers (800 mbf capacity)
  • Wood waste fired steam co-generation system.
  • Experienced kiln operators assure quality drying to your specifications.
  • Efficiency is enhanced with the automatic lumber stackers that handle all packaging of lumber for drying.
  • Our 11 kilns can kiln dry approximately 400,000 bf. At one time.

If interested in purchasing this product please contact sales at Phone: 1-716-699-2393 or use our contact page link to get a quote.  websales@fitzweller.com