Fact or Fiction: The Truth About Sustainability in American Hardwoods - woodworkingnetwork.com

7/12/18, 8:58 AM

American hardwoods are harvested from forests nationwide to supply wood for a variety of applications, from flooring and furniture to cabinetry, millwork and more. The use of – and demand for –  American hardwoods continues to grow, raising the question of whether harvesting these trees is sustainable. So, fact or fiction…just how eco-friendly is the American hardwoods industry?

Fact or Fiction? Harvesting American Hardwoods Has a Negative Impact on the Environment.

FICTION. Thanks to sustainable forest management, American hardwoods can be harvested with minimal environmental impact. How? First, American hardwoods are a renewable natural resource, meaning they grow back, so there’s always an abundant and continued supply.


Second, by applying best practices for management of these lands and selectively harvesting larger, more mature trees rather than clear-felling an entire area, timber companies can help support the environment by promoting – and protecting – a diverse bird and wildlife population, thriving forest floor vegetation, as well as clean watersheds, not to mention a host of recreational activities, from hiking to biking and beyond, throughout America’s forests.


Fact or Fiction? The American Hardwoods Industry is a Jobs Producer.

FACT. From conservation and recreation to timber harvesting and manufacturing activities, the forest products industry supports millions of jobs nationwide. In fact, according to HardwoodForest.org, “forest products companies employ 1.75 million people and are ranked among the top 10 employers in 40 states.”


Fact or Fiction? American Hardwoods are Slow to Replenish.

FICTION. The truth is: since the 1940s, more American hardwoods are grown every year than are harvested. HardwoodInfo.com suggests that “since 1953, the volume of hardwoods in American forests has increased 119%.”


That means there is always an abundant and sustained supply of timber as forests naturally regenerate via seeds that are produced by, and fall from, existing trees. Thanks to this natural regeneration, there is no need to plant hardwood trees, other than for landscaping and strategic placement activities.